Respect for Human Rights
The DENTSU SOKEN respects the inherent dignity and value of human beings within the Company as well as in relation to all people such as clients and business partners. Further, we believe that interpersonal understanding is born from guaranteed freedom of expression and mutual recognition, which in turn lead to innovative and creative ideas.
Based on these concepts, we share Our Declaration of Conduct, which summarizes our ethical code of conduct, and the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct and Dentsu Group Human Rights Policy, which were both compiled by the Dentsu Group, of which we are a member. We seek to ensure that all employees are aware of human rights and behave accordingly within and outside the workplace.
Human Rights Policy
Reflecting the Dentsu Group Human Rights Policy, DENTSU SOKEN adheres to international human rights standards, including the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as well as the UNICEF Children’s Rights and Business Principles. The Dentsu Group Human Rights Policy is consistent with the Dentsu Group Code of Conduct and demonstrates our commitment to observing and upholding human rights, and was approved by the Board of Directors on May 27, 2021.
Promotion System
The company’s Sustainability Promotion Council, chaired by the President, CEO & COO, formulates human rights-related activity policies and confirms their progress. It also reports on its activities to the Board of Directors, where they are monitored and supervised.
Initiatives Facilitating Respect for Human Rights
Human Rights Due Diligence
Since FY2024, the Company has worked to ensure the human rights due diligence called for in the UNʼs Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In identifying and assessing human rights risks, the first step in this due diligence, we used human rights risk data provided by the global risk assessment and analysis organization Verisk Maplecroft. For human rights issues associated with system integration, the Groupʼs primary business, we took a birdʼs eye view of the entire supply chain, performed desk research, and held internal interviews on an individual business process and country level. Through this process, we identified the latent risk items presented in the chart below. Going forward, we will engage in continuous activities through our PDCA cycle by conducting surveys with our business partners, evaluating and implementing response policies to prevent and reduce human rights risks, and conducting monitoring.
Harassment Countermeasures
DENTSU SOKEN regards preventing discrimination in the workplace, as typified by harassment measures, to be a key theme among issues related to human rights. We regularly distribute questionnaires to all employees to ascertain the presence of harassment and act to prevent or curb it as soon as possible. This we do to ensure that DENTSU SOKEN employees and all those associated with our business are not subject to discrimination in the workplace and are able to work to the best of their ability.
In addition, to raise employee awareness of harassment prevention, we continue to provide e-learning opportunities, prevention education, orientation for new hires, and other harassment-prevention training programs customized for each target group.
Maintaining Sound Workplace Environment
Our internal reporting service, the Ethics Hotline, is staffed by occupational counselors and other qualified professionals who are ready to respond to various issues that may arise in the workplace, including harassment. To ensure their ability to provide this response consistently , these professionals remain ready to collaborate with occupational physicians and public health nurses when necessary. Our Ethics Hotline includes both an internal reporting channel and an external reporting channel staffed by independent attorneys.The hotline is available to all personnel associated with DENTSU SOKEN: its employees, as well as the staff of Group companies and subcontractors. Reporting through this hotline can be performed anonymously, and our “Ethics Hotline Operating Guidelines” ensure confidentiality and appropriate protection for whistleblowers. At the same time, we strive to foster a corporate culture that forbids, prevents, and remains vigilant against harassment by providing training that equips management at all workplaces with the knowledge necessary to handle incidents of harassment and related issues.
The Dentsu Group encourages all Group employees and external stakeholders to express their human rights concerns and provides various measures for doing so. One of these is the SpeakUp@dentsu portal, which is externally operated, free, anonymous, confidential, and available in all appropriate languages. The concerns reported are thoroughly investigated and, if substantiated, appropriate remedial and corrective actions are taken.
Relief measure
If we find that our business has caused or contributed to adverse impacts on human rights, we're ensure to provide relief and take corrective action for those affected.
Efforts to Spread Understanding of Human Rights
The daily business activities of all DENTSU SOKEN Group executives and employees are conducted bearing in mind the principles stated in Our Declaration of Conduct , which summarizes our ethical code of conduct. Even when work schedules are busy, it is mandatory for employees to undergo annual e-learning education related to the declaration. This provides staff with opportunities to reaffirm the significance of our work and reflect our original resolve. The policy is posted on the Company website so that it can be referred to at any time. In addition, we make every effort to ensure there is respect for human rights throughout the supply chain by asking partner companies also to implement this obligation. To eliminate harassment, which is a major human rights issue, we created and distribute a “Harassment Prevention Guidebook .” It explains how to prevent harassment from the standpoint of both managers and subordinates, as well as how to respond in specific situations. We also conduct annual training on ethics compliance, led by harassment counselors, provide e-learning on the subject, and use questionnaires to conduct surveys so that problems can be speedily uncovered and resolved. Believing it important that Our Declaration of Conduct should adapt to changes in business and social environments, the Compliance Committee, chaired by a senior executive officer, regularly reviews the declaration and revises it as necessary.
Toward Employee Awareness
Each year, human rights slogans are solicited from all staff within the Dentsu Group to raise awareness regarding Sustainability and human rights. We use this activity to give employees and their families a chance to learn about and discover new perspectives on social issues.
Protecting Personal Information
Click here for information on DENTSU SOKEN’s Personal Information Protection Policy. (Japanese version only)